2021 Posts

A Lesson That Changed My Way of Thinking

You’re going to be rejected. By people you love; by jobs you hold your breath for; by strangers who will never have the privilege of knowing you; by friends you’d do anything for; by family who wants to protect you; but most importantly you’re going to be rejected by you.

You’ve planted your roots into quicksand; made up beautiful scenarios in your head as to why you never went after all those big dreams you promised yourself. You’ve clipped your own wings too short, so you stay exactly where you are.

You’ve lied to yourself so often you believe it’s the truth. You say you’ll get to your goals soon. You’ll reach all the dreams your younger self believed in some day. You just need to save a little more money; work a little harder; get a little more educated. You reject yourself repeatedly and call it excuses.  

This isn’t rock-bottom, so it doesn’t feel so dreadful staying put just a bit longer. The future is still ahead, you still have time.

However, that’s not true.

Saturday, March 6th, 2021 I woke up. I woke up in my mundane life that I promised myself I’d never have. I was asked to picture my life with the idea that I couldn’t change my excuses. That I had to live my life just as I was right now. I felt the defeat of never going after everything I’ve ever wanted. Never making myself proud. Never writing a book. Never traveling to Europe. Never moving out of my home state. Never being spontaneous; brave; or powerful. That’s how quickly it happens for some many people.

This question completely changed my way of thinking.

We’re not promised time on this Earth, all we’re promised are the moments we make for ourselves. The opportunities we take. The chances we decide to go after every day we’re given.

Your future isn’t “someday” – your future is right now.

This is your life.

Stop with the excuses. Stop going to that job you hate; or dating the person you no longer love. Stop begging for people to be in your life who don’t want to be. Stop being the compromised version of who you are supposed to be. Stop rejecting everything you value.

I hope you have the courage to be happy today and every day for the rest of your life because you absolutely deserve to be.