2021 Posts

A Letter I Never Sent You

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Transparency is hard, being vulnerable is hard, being honest with your own emotions is hard, but somethings have to be said so here it goes.

This is the letter I never sent to you…

I was holding my breath waiting for the pain to come crashing into me. There were so many fearful moments wondering if this was it. But when it finally happened I knew without a doubt. And yes it hurt like hell, a certain pain you can’t prepare for – and even now my heart stings. But I have to thank you for being strong enough for both of us, because the anticipation of the end was so daunting I could barely think straight.

I would have held on forever but we both deserved better than fuzzy lines and mixed emotions.

Endings are always the hardest. I often live in a gray zone where I feel safe. But that’s my problem I can’t grow somewhere I feel safe. I need clear cut boundaries and you knew that.

Thank you for loving me enough to allow me to go, for allowing me to grow.

I will always love you, but now I get to love myself too.

The Longest Lesson: Lesson’s of an Empowered Woman – Written By Felicia Kopec