2019 Posts

A Reminder to Your Mind About Your Body:

Stop lifting your shirt up to see how flat your stomach looks. Your body is so strong. You’ve run marathons in that body, swam in multiple oceans in that body, danced, kicked, and jumped in that body. That body has picked your broken self-off the ground, it’s carried you through trauma, love, shock, surgeries, and workouts. That body has stood tall in painful heels and ached after long work meetings. It’s brought you on beautiful journeys that lead you to your best friends and lovers. You have organs and hips, and your body looks amazing as it is. Next time you go to check and see how flat your stomach looks please stop. Instead, check in how you’re feeling. How’s your heart? Are you doing OK?

Because your body is perfectly fine.

The Longest Lesson: Lessons of an Empowered Woman Written by Felicia Kopec