2019 Posts

Bachelorette Alyssa

Bachelorette Alyssa is a dog-lover, who enjoys shot gunning Truly’s. Alyssa is just looking for someone normal (for god’s sake are there any normal guys left??) who can prove to her chivalry isn’t dead (enough with the fuckboys). Alyssa has great hair and takes interesting photos of beer. Don’t slide into her DMs (@alyssawillii) with a creepy text, but a funny meme will definitely catch her eye. If you’re lucky enough to take Alyssa on a date, ensure to avoid dairy. She would find a drunk golf game followed by Kyoto very romantic.

Alyssa considers herself to be to chill as a cucumber, she’s not uptight or bossy like some crazy ladies out there. She never holds grudges, and forgives easily. She is the life of the party, and seeks adventure. However, you’ll make her run for the hills if you have bad breath and/or bad body order. Just smell good, and crack some jokes and you’ll be on your way to making Alyssa fall in love with you.

Alyssa’s weaknesses are: being a germophobe, spitting instead of swallowing, not being able to eat pizza, dick, ghosting, and being indecisive.

Alyssa’s strengths are her great ass, and of course her hilarious sense of humor.

If you want to learn more about Alyssa, find her dating resume below.

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