2019 Posts

Blog posts written in the year 2019.

  • 2019 Posts

    Do Yourself a Favor and Check-in on Yourself Often

    Screw trying to follow some perfect order of life that isn’t even real. Screw feeling bad because I’m single at 27, and not knowing what I want to do in my career path, and for still learning about where I want to live so I move a lot. Screw staying in relationships that aren’t right for me or holding back about still feeling sad that something good ended BECAUSE YOU KNOW WHAT THAT IS REALLY FREAKING SAD. Screw waiting for someone else to bring you flowers, buy yourself the fucking roses. Screw any negative expectation that is holding you back, because you’re exactly where you should be.

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  • 2019 Posts

    First Dates Can be Tricky

    Listen up gents. I always try to find ways to provide you the information you’re looking for at hand, so here is another opportunity to learn about what women want. This time it’s about what women want on a first date. Now, I don’t want to hear, “women are so confusing I have no idea what they want” because I am here providing you that information. Now, let’s dive in. I conducted a survey where women answered 7 questions anonymously. The first question asked was, where women would want to go on a first date. The top 5 answers included, A quiet romantic dinner Bowling Mini golf Take a class…

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  • 2019 Posts

    Me, Myself & I

    How to achieve alone time when in a relationship. Have you ever heard the term, date yourself? I used to do it all the time while I was single. It’s the idea that you take a day all to yourself. If you’re like me that day includes a big glass of red wine, and some very quiet alone time. It’s the day I spend thinking about myself and myself alone. Taking time to read a book I bought 3 months ago, write a blog article for the week, or just zone out and turn on Friends. But when you get into a relationship, it’s hard to find that night all…

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  • 2019 Posts

    I’m Back…

    I know it’s been a while. But I am back with an exciting new perspective; because get this – I landed a boyfriend. Yep, my 5 year single lady streak has finally come to an end. So what does that mean for The Longest Lesson? It just means new content, and even some help from all of you. I am bringing a new twist to my content. Being in a relationship, but remaining true to yourself. Keeping that balance between who you are alone, and who you are with your significant other. Managing friendships, social ties, and personal time all while managing a relationship. I am also rolling out a…

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  • 2019 Posts

    The Gray Zone: Where Confusion Meets Frustration

    How many times have you thought to yourself, “why is dating so hard?” We all have thought it. Hell, I started a blog off that simple question. Yet, how do we answer it – why is it so dang hard? Some argue, that it’s impossible to meet anyone organically nowadays. Dating apps where men have their height listed, and women have their ass shots posted. There’s no secret as to what you’re getting – probably catfished. We all have to be so perfect on paper that we hold our breath hoping someone likes us in person. Only to be ghosted. We forget that we’re all going to turn gray and…

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  • 2019 Posts

    Bachelorette Alyssa

    Bachelorette Alyssa is a dog-lover, who enjoys shot gunning Truly’s. Alyssa is just looking for someone normal (for god’s sake are there any normal guys left??) who can prove to her chivalry isn’t dead (enough with the fuckboys). Alyssa has great hair and takes interesting photos of beer. Don’t slide into her DMs (@alyssawillii) with a creepy text, but a funny meme will definitely catch her eye. If you’re lucky enough to take Alyssa on a date, ensure to avoid dairy. She would find a drunk golf game followed by Kyoto very romantic. Alyssa considers herself to be to chill as a cucumber, she’s not uptight or bossy like some…

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  • 2019 Posts


    This one is for the girls who keep their hair and heart a mess. For the girls who feel everything so deeply. Who love passionately, and break easily. This one is for the girls who put their whole hearts into everything they do, even if it means they get nothing in return. This is for the girls who often feel alone, stuck in a gray zone. Looking for closure and receiving no answers. This is for the girls who keep trying no matter how many times they get hurt. This one is for the guys who keep their music up too loud and a tough face on. For the guys…

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