2019 Posts

Dating Tips 101

Advice to Make Your Next Date a Success

Dating can be nerve-wracking. The pressure to try and impress the person you like is overwhelming. Well, lucky for all of you I have surveyed different groups of men and women to get dating advice to make your next date a success. 27 men ranging from 18 to 44 years old provided their best feedback. While 23 women ranging from 18 to 34 years old shared theirs. Let’s dive into the advice shared, and understand men and women better than we did before.

Answers are in order from most frequently stated to least.

To begin, I asked: What three tips would you give the opposite sex on a first date?

Most men and women are looking for, roughly, the same things on a first date. If both parties treat each other with the same expectations they have for the opposite sex, then all you need is chemistry for the perfect date. Maybe men and women are not so different after all.

My next question was, One Piece of advice/insight you wish the opposite sex knew about men or women before starting a new relationship?

At this point, most people have been in, at least, one relationship that has changed them, and that is something they will always carry in their heart. Be patient, communicate, and don’t compare someone new to your ex. Everyone deserves a fresh start. Give someone the chance to show you the kind of person they are before jumping to conclusions.

Finally, I asked: 1 to 3 things you wish the opposite sex would stop doing in a relationship/on dates?

Overall, it’s clear everyone surveyed stated that they just want someone who is down for them and willing to make it work through the good and bad times. Paying attention, making effort, and showing affection are the repeated aspects of what it takes to make a relationship work. Stop and consider the other side of situations through the eyes of the opposite sex. Understanding what men/women are looking for or what they want out of a date/relationship is the first step of having a successful dating experience. Now, get out there, use this insight, and shock your man or woman by being the perfect date.

Lesson Learned: Take time to listen, and communicate. Men and women truly want the same things out of dating and relationships.

Thank you everyone who participated and provided feedback to my surveys.