2021 Posts

Decorate Your Own Soul

I live in the third largest city in America, Chicago. It’s filled with people, live music, love, laughter, and energy bubbling all around me so it might come to a surprise to some when I say I’ve never felt so alone in my life. I am facing one of my greatest fears and that’s to be completely alone. Wake up alone, eat every meal alone, binge watch Netflix alone, all of it.

It wasn’t what I planned, but it’s my reality.

If I’m honest, it’s been extremely hard. Loneliness is a difficult truth to face. It comes with pain, boredom, insecurities, and a lot of time. Time I’ve realized isn’t always on our side. However, this isn’t a cry for help or a sob story.

No, this is a love story.

You see, it might not always be easy but is always beautiful. To dance around my kitchen, sing Taylor Swift as loud as I can, cook a perfect meal, cry to the ending of my favorite book, and continuously do it all for myself is something I’ve never had the privilege of doing before. I am my own keeper, my own protector, my own cheerleader, chef, Rockstar, friend, and decision maker. I am filling up the broken cracks of my life with the items I love. I am watering the pain and am watching bliss bloom from it. I am throwing the windows open and letting opportunities flow in. I am uncluttering my mind, preparing for new.

I am learning to decorate my own soul and I’m proud of doing it all by myself.

It’s been such a pleasure getting to know me.

The Longest Lesson: Lesson’s of an Empowered Woman Written by Felicia Kopec