2019 Posts

First Dates Can be Tricky

Listen up gents. I always try to find ways to provide you the information you’re looking for at hand, so here is another opportunity to learn about what women want. This time it’s about what women want on a first date. Now, I don’t want to hear, “women are so confusing I have no idea what they want” because I am here providing you that information. Now, let’s dive in.

I conducted a survey where women answered 7 questions anonymously. The first question asked was, where women would want to go on a first date. The top 5 answers included,

  1. A quiet romantic dinner
  2. Bowling
  3. Mini golf
  4. Take a class of some sort (cooking, painting, wine making, etc.)
  5. Coffee house

Now, there’s a variety of answers that should give you a good idea of where to take your lady friend. But if this is not enough information, women also mentioned going on a fun first date, where it’s easy going and not too serious is great. Maybe just going for cocktails to keep it light. Several ladies mentioned an arcade bar being a super great time.

But if you’re thinking about taking her to a movie instead; well here is my warning. Out of all the women surveyed most stated a movie or concert would be the one date they would not want to go on for a first date. There’s no conversation, no getting to no one another. Save that for the future when things are already going well. You got this.

A dead tie in the survey showed that women would like a date to be somewhere sociable, or somewhere quiet but where there are other people around – such as a coffee shop – sound familiar? You’re getting the picture now.

If you’re thinking about surprising your date, you’re in luck. 87.50% of the women surveyed like to be surprised on a first date. A great way to do this, and a way to get a second date out of it (wink wink), is by agreeing that you’ll take her on the first date as a surprise, if she plans a surprise for the second one. This keeps things fun and allows both of you to make decisions on date ideas.

Now, let’s talk money. Oh yes, the great debate on who pays on the first date. Well, ladies do like when a man offers to pay for a first date. However, times are changing. More than half of the women surveyed said if they had a great first date, but the man didn’t pick up the check, they would see him again.

Speaking about changing times, it’s time to discuss etiquette.

Listen here men, if you are on the phone, texting, checking socials, answering emails, seeing if you won your fantasy football draft, while on a first date, you’re not getting laid and you’ll probably never see your date again. This question was asked in the terms of the woman being crazy attracted to a man but him being on his phone too much during the date – news flash: your looks will eventually diminish; a little eye contact and respect goes a long way.

Since you’re now filled in on what women want on a first date login to your Tinder or Bumble apps and get to work. Or if you prefer to be featured on my bachelor/bachelorette guest posts just fill out a form below! Cheers to successful dating.

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