2021 Posts

I am not my Pain and Neither are You

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I’ve been dwelling in my sadness.

Being sad isn’t a personality, it doesn’t make me more interesting because I’m hurting, or struggling, or feeling lonely.

I think I’ve just felt it for so long it’s strange to let it go.

I keep picking open old wounds by focusing on the what-could-have-been, the what-should-have-been.

The reality is, it’s not-ever-going-to-be or it would-have-been.

My whole perspective has been what I was losing, what I left behind. But I’ve gained so much, I’ve built a life for myself that I promised I would. I achieved a goal I was so afraid to face. I’m doing exactly what I promised myself I’d do for years. And none of that means I don’t get to miss my old life or hurt when those memories crash in, but it’s time to let the pain go from overwhelming the beauty of everything else.

Because one day I’m going to look back on these days and all I’m going to see is magic.

The constant chaos of moving, the exhaustion of starting over, the tears that stream down my face during every uncertain moment are worth it. Maybe I needed heartbreak, maybe I needed pain, uncertainty, to be uncomfortable so I could learn what to never put up with again.

I’m finally turning the page and making this life exactly what I want it to be.

Pure fucking magic.

The Longest Lesson: Lesson’s of an Empowered Woman by Felicia Kopec