2021 Posts

I Was Wrong About Love All Along

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I’ve had the opportunity to learn how loved I am.

I’m picky when it comes to love, I’ve spent my whole life curious about who my soul mate is. However, in the last few months I’ve been lucky enough to realize that the people I’ve opened my heart to are my soul mates. I don’t take enough time to appreciate my circle of family and friends. I don’t realize how lucky I’ve always been to have them surround me and love me through every moment of my life.

This post is dedicated to them.

I want to thank each of you for being on my side. For picking me up during moments of weakness. For pizza nights or popping open another bottle of wine. For showing up when I couldn’t stand on my own two feet. For making me laugh so hard I had to catch my breath. For singing loudly in the car with me or sitting in silence together when there were no words to fill a void. For planning trips that were well overdue, and never saying no to ridiculous ideas. For answering my late-night phone calls or staying up so I didn’t fall asleep behind the wheel.

Thank you for letting me ugly cry on your shoulder. For FaceTime dates, and heart filled text messages. Thank you for surprise parties and family style dinners. Thank you for memories I’ll forever hold onto and moments I’ll never forget.

Thank you for being excited for me, for believing in me, for all the moments in between.

Thank you for loving me for me.

No matter where life takes us I hope you know how sincerely loved you all are.

The Longest Lesson: Lesson’s of an Empowered Woman Written by Felicia Kopec