2019 Posts

Less is More

We all have heard of it, been told to play it, and most of us hate it – it’s the damn dating game.

Have you ever noticed the person you’re not into, that you never remember to text back, rarely give the time of day to, are the ones hitting you up non-stop, asking you out for drinks? Why is that?

It’s the chase appeal, and this is how it works.

We’re all intrigued by the person who seems to be a bit of a mystery. They keep us on our toes, making us crave for more. They provide us with little amounts of attention at a time, showing us how less is more. They are never consistent in their availability which is why we want to see them so badly. It’s the thrill to win them over, the chase that leads to a relationship, it’s the dating game.

Now, there’s a difference between making someone pursue you while playing hard-to-get, and not showing any interest at all. You are not ignoring the other person, hoping they keep reaching out. Nobody has time for that bullshit. You’re playing hot and cold. You’re flirty with a touch of distant. You’re showing them you’re into them but that you could leave at any given moment. You are walking the fine line of being completely in with this person, and completely out. Here are some examples of this from my own life.

Less Texting More Talking

Sending six texts in a row is not cute. Smothering someone else is the fastest way to cause them to run away. The minimalist approach is the more effective. On the flip side, you are not ignoring someone for hours or days at a time. You are responding when you are available, and letting them respond when they are available. It’s called, having a conversation. This image below is a perfect example of how too many texts in a row, without waiting for a reply back, causes someone to disappear forever.

Less Free Time More Planning

Being completely available 24/7 never allows time for someone to miss you. Don’t jump every-time someone tells you to. You deserve to have someone make plans with you, not expect you to be available only when it’s convenient for them. Once you set this pattern, you start to become an 11pm text message instead of a 6pm dinner date.

Less Sex More Sex Appeal

Yes, I may get some shit for this one. Let me first start by saying – do whatever makes you happy, I am not here to judge you. However, sometimes making someone crave you is exactly what keeps them interested. Many people nowadays are quick to turn a dating connection into a friend with benefits situation. Allowing them to think about you without being able to touch you keeps them intrigued and curious causing them to come back for more.

Less Expectations More Growth

Have you ever noticed when you just enjoy one another’s company date-to-date without the immediate expectation of jumping into a relationship everything begins to naturally progress? This is because you take the pressure off dating. Things happen naturally, just let it. Forcing a relationship will fail every single time.

Less is More

Don’t worry about moving fast forward into a relationship. Take your time, allow someone to chase you a little. You are worth the time it takes for someone to get to know you. Playing a little game of hard-to-get can essentially cause someone to really spend the time working for your affection. That’s what you deserve. Time, dedication, and the overall commitment that ends up coming with that.

Lesson learned: Being a challenge isn’t a bad thing. Slow down and enjoy the game.