2019 Posts


What Men Really Think & Talk About

It’s been said over and over again, ‘guys are so confusing’. Well ladies, I am here to enlighten you. After surveying 43 men I have the answers you all want to know. How important is sex to men? What do guys talk about with their buddies? What are guys really looking for? Are your nudes being passed around in the locker room? Plus, sex stories that will cause you to burst out laughing.

While it’s easy to think that men are just dogs who’d hump anything, they can get their penis in, I’ve discovered, results that might shock you. Although, many men are mostly talking about a woman’s tits, ass, and how big of a freak she is in bed. They are also talking about her face, personality, career, and a relationship with her. Maybe men do have feelings after all?

If that doesn’t surprise you, it turns out most of your nude photos are not being passed around to his buddies. 67.44% of men are claiming they never show a nude they receive to anyone else. While 25.58% have admitted they will show a nude if it’s just their hook-up girl sending it. Two people stated, if they receive an unsolicited nude, they will show it to their buddies. While, one person admitted he always shows the nudes he receives to his friends. Watch out for that guy. On the topic of nude photos, 27.91% of men surveyed are keeping their ex’s nudes. However, 72.09% stated they don’t keep them.

It will not come as a shock to many people that sex is important to men, but how important? On average, the men in my survey, stated sex importance is rated as a 3.91 out of 5 scale. Yet, surprisingly, oral sex is less important than ladies might think. 72.09% stated they would continue seeing a woman even if she refused to provide oral sex. Next time you don’t feel like giving your man head, you will probably get away with it. Still, 27.91% stated they wouldn’t stay with a woman who refused oral sex. I’d say you have pretty good odds, ladies.

A question many women wonder, but never feel comfortable asking a man. What’s the quality a girl has to have to go from just a hook-up to a relationship type of girl? 36 answers [summarized], will make you realize men really want the same thing women want.

Motivation. An enjoyable personality, and goal driven. She has to be ambitious. Needs to have self-respect, and be loyal.

Personal Goals, and an interest in a relationship itself and willingness to invest the time needed to get to know someone and grow.

Sense of Humor.

Emotional attachment. Show effort. Show you care more than normal.

We have to connect and be able to have fun together and goof off, be in the same direction in life, and be searching to better ourselves together.

Not Crazy.

Her personality and how she treats my friends. Sex is the last thing on my mind with a woman.

Make me laugh, make me feel comfortable, be genuine, be the person I could see myself settling down with.

A good family upbringing.

Smart, Trustworthy, confidence, kind.


Ability to make me laugh.

Don’t sleep with other people while you’re sleeping with me. Have to be able to trust them and know they care about growing together.

I think it may be plural, qualities. She actually has to care about you or discover reasons to care about you. And it’s all mutual too. It means making the time and taking the time to see how your S.O is doing, being genuinely compassionate towards them. And lastly, you’ve got to just honestly love being around her.

There’s a few, but I’ve had experiences where she starts being distant with me. Like the sex was wonderful and I wanted to see if maybe we could slowly take things more seriously but then the communication/snap chatting reduces tremendously. I guess if she shows a lot of interest in wanting to hang out more, talk more, go on more dates while having a really great sense of humor and a sense of romance, I may just have to wife her up.

A beautiful inside.

There’s definitely more than one quality. It can range from ambition, drive, similar family values, to personality traits, taste in music and so on. I think having sexual chemistry is one thing, but having a foundation to spend every day with a person is way more than one quality. That’s probably why we all hook up so much. It’s easier than opening up to someone.

Similar interests Goals Positive attitude! Really enjoying the time spent together.

A personality that I can vibe with. She needs to be able to hold a conversation well, make me laugh, have goals and dreams she’s not afraid to share, as well as be goofy and carefree about the little things.

Intelligence. Sense of humor. Connection. Ability to carry on deep, multi-faceted conversation. Loyalty. And they need to be real.

She has to be my friend.

Do we share a similar sense of humor? Do we share enough common goals and interest? Are we like minded enough to move on in a professional manner? Sex will only take you so far, sure it’s fun but it’s only one part of a relationship, it is an important part but if they aren’t right for you than there is no in wasting both of your time on something that will never go anywhere. Think of it like thanks giving dinner, sex is desert, sure if desert is awesome and flawless then you will make sure to save room for it. But you don’t skip dinner, and go just for desert. You need the full meal, otherwise what’s the point of making all the dishes if you don’t like anything else but desert? It’s just a waste of time and effort.

Maybe men aren’t so confusing after all, and maybe they’re not so different either. Taking a few moments to reflect on someone’s wants, and expectations can really change viewpoints. I know from the ten short questions 43 men took the time to answer has changed my understanding of men as a whole. However, we can’t let men off that easily. I did ask for funny sex stories they were willing to share, and they truly provided laugh out loud stories.

It’s Time for Sex Stories [Written by the men surveyed]:

“Having sex in a car at country thunder, she starts to have an asthma attack. So, I grab a chipotle bag for her to breathe into. Thanks Chipotle.”

“I had sex with a 38-year-old on her husband’s birthday. Oops. Funniest thing to wake up to is 63 missed phone calls from her husband and she doesn’t care one bit.”

“Maybe the 10th time I had sex with my then- girlfriend, I farted and came at the same time. Broke down the barriers fast. Nonetheless, it was the most hilarious climax I ever had.”

“In college I dated a girl who was a couple years older than me. We were at her apartment and made omelets for breakfast. After eating we were on the couch and started to fool around, as she started to give me head, I felt my ‘downstairs’ start to heat up and become uncomfortable. I’m thinking she gave me some sort of STD but was too scared of the answer to say anything. Eventually she climbs on top of me, all while my junk is on fire, after a couple minutes of her riding she jumps off and screams at me that I gave her an STD because her vagina was on fire. Once I told her she did it to me first, she remembered she had jalapeños in her eggs at breakfast. As much relief as that gave emotionally, we were still in pain. Later her roommates came home to find us on the couch, me with my penis in a cup of yogurt, and her with some other dairy product in her crotch.”

“One time my gf was really sick but I wanted head really bad. She begrudgingly agreed. Hit the back of her throat and made her throw up. I don’t ask for head when she is sick anymore.”

“Met a girl at a rock festival. one night we are in the back of my buddie’s truck going doggie style and forgot the concert was letting out… would say numerous hundred… thousand… of people walked passed the truck (as we were parked on the main road side of the camping grounds) as I was going at her from behind. And to top it all off I am there smacking her ass too and pulling the hair hard back, as she was literally… SCREAMING, “Harder Daddy!” lmao good times.”

“Was out shopping with an ex and went to go try on clothes and she followed me in there. One thing leads to another and we ended up having sex in the fitting room at Kohl’s. Funny part is when a worker came and overheard us and yells “atta boy” to me as I was fucking her.”

“One time a girl swung her leg around to try and begin 69 and kneed me in the face!”

“I wish. I don’t get laid lol.”

Lesson Learned: Not all men are careless jerks. Sometimes we just need to listen and understand what the opposite gender wants in the long run.


Are You Currently Single?

– Yes 60.47% 26
– No 39.53% 17

Do You Consider Sex to be About Adding Another Number to Your List?

– Yes 2.33% 1
– No 76.74% 33
– Sometimes 20.93% 9

Do You Talk to your Buddies about the Following (Check all that apply)

How Many Times You Made Her O 25.58% 11
– How Wet She Was for You 27.91% 12
– Her Tits 60.47% 26
– Her Ass 74.42% 32
– How Big of a Freak She Was for You 53.49% 23
– Her Nude Pics 30.23% 13
– Where She let You Cum 27.91% 12
– How She Scored on the 1-10 Hot Scale 53.49% 23
– If She’s a Screamer 32.56% 14
– Her Personality 72.09% 31
– Her Face 62.79% 27
– How Easy She was to Sleep with 20.93% 9
– Her Career 51.16% 22
– Anal 18.60% 8
– Sex Positions 39.53% 17
– Her Goals 34.88% 15
– A Relationship 62.79% 27
– Her Hot Friends 27.91% 12
– Her Weight 25.58% 11
– All of the Above 4.65% 2
– None of the Above 2.33% 1

Do You Show Your Friends the Nudes Your Receive?

– Yes Always 2.33% 1
– No Never 67.44% 29
– Yes, If It’s Just a Hook-Up 25.58% 11
– Yes, If It’s Unsolicited 4.65% 2

Do You Keep Your Ex’s Nudes?

– Yes 27.91% 12
– No 72.09% 31

Would You Continue Seeing a Girl who Refuses to Provide you Oral Sex?

– Yes 72.09% 31
– No 27.91% 12

How Important is Sex to You?

3 1 8 16 15   43   3.91

If a Girl is Super-Hot but Horrible at Sex Will You Continue Sleeping with Her?

– Yes 60.47% 26
– No 39.53% 17