2019 Posts

39 Thoughts While Meeting The Parents

Meeting the parents is an important step in a relationship. However, it can be nerve-wrecking. Here are 39 funny thoughts everyone has while meeting the parents for the first time.

  1. Why did I agree to this? I am so nervous.
  2. Breath. It’ll be fine. They’re just people.
  3. Who could literally be your forever family…
  4. …No pressure.
  5. Should I shake their hand or hug them?
  6. Which one doesn’t come off to try hard?
  7. I am going to shake their hand. Safer decision.
  8. And they went in for the hug, that was awkward.
  9. Maybe I should have offered to bring some wine.
  10.  Then we could all get wine drunk together and this would be way more fun.
  11.  Oh my god…
  12.  …What if they don’t like wine?
  13.  I can’t be married into a family who doesn’t like wine.
  14.  Few, there’s a wine cork on the counter.
  15.  Bless their souls for being wine drinkers.
  16.  I should let them know they have a lovely home.
  17.  Do they have a lovely home? Do I even like this style?
  18.  Fuck, it could be a card board box and I’d say it’s lovely. I want them to like me.
  19.  Wonderful, I have run out of things to say.
  20.  Maybe I can bring up something interesting to talk about.
  21.  Something to sound sophisticated.
  22.  Oh my god, why did I just ask them who they voted for?
  23.  What is wrong with me?
  24.  They hate me, I already know it.
  25.  If I can win over the mom then I will be fine.
  26.  Mom’s run the household.
  27.  Why is she looking at me like I have three heads?
  28.  Damn it, she totally knows I am fucking her kid.
  29.  I can see it in her judgmental eyes.
  30.  I wonder if they have a bathroom on the first floor.
  31.  I can crawl through the window and escape.
  32.  Oh, wait, she just laughed at my joke.
  33.  This isn’t so bad.
  34.  Hell yes, cracking open the wine bottle.
  35.  I am going to fit in just fine with this family.
  36.  And I’m drunk.
  37.  Well this was an interesting time.
  38.  I am going to hug them all goodbye. They rock.
  39. I can’t wait to see how meeting my family goes.

Lesson Learned: Don’t get wine drunk at other people’s family functions.