2021 Posts

Month Three – It’s About Following Your Intuition

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A lot of people ask me why I moved to Florida.

I don’t believe there’s an exact answer to this question, part of me has always needed to escape my roots. Some memories are hard to keep at surface; it’s easier to leave them all behind in a town.

Another part of me thought maybe moving would help me feel whole. I’d meet someone and I’d finally feel complete.

Other pieces of me were looking for adventure, newness, my own story to tell.

But the only true reason that I can make sense in my head for driving 1,363 miles alone into the unknown is because everything inside me told me to – pure intuition.

We’re always looking for reasons to do something, but the reasons are not always there. The intuitive urge to act must be reason enough.

It’s my intuition that taught me I was always searching for someone, but that someone was always me.

I searched for a new group of friends to lean on while holding onto my original group of friends at home. I searched for someone to pick me over all the other women in the world, but I had to learn to pick myself first. I searched for completeness in chaos but learned that living in the middle of both spectrums is better.

It took a long drive, a ton of tears, lonely days, and sleepless nights to finally find peace in myself.

I talk a lot about my move to Florida because I don’t think it was ever just about moving somewhere new. I think it was always about self-discovery.

Moving here has been the bravest most challenging thing I’ve done for myself. I walked into a new life not knowing the friends I would meet or the roots I would plant here but I went anyways into the unknown. A type of courage, a type of pain. There is still so much to discover and still parts of me to understand completely. Yet, I now know I’ll be just fine with whatever is thrown my way because I move intuitively.

I’m so glad I didn’t need a reason to move to Florida.

The Longest Lesson: Lesson’s of an Empowered Woman written by – Felicia Kopec