2022 Posts

Not Everything is an Ending Sometimes it’s a Beginning

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The human brain loves an ending, that’s why when something ends abruptly we tend to analyze it over and over again trying to make sense of the situation that only has a middle. Those memories stick out so sharply in our brains while the others that concluded fade into the background.

I’ve spent a lot of time in this last year and a half trying to make sense of situations that ended in the middle of their story. Many times, I ended them myself, uprooting and rearranging my life as I’ve shared so many times before. Other times people ended them for me, in relationships; situationships; and friendships.

A friend recently sent me a quote that inspired me to write this post today, it read “please, if you are waiting for closure to move on, I hope you give yourself permission to let go. I hope you give yourself permission to let something end in the middle of a chapter. I hope you give yourself permission to connect with the fact that no closure is closure. That a half-ending is still an ending.” -Bianca Sparacino.

Little did he know the other night I called my mom crying saying I could finally feel the shift inside me. A change of letting go, letting the middle of stories end right where they stood. I cried for the woman I no longer am and reflected on the woman I’m becoming. It felt like I was finally taking a breath after holding mine for a little bit too long. My lungs finally stopped feeling compressed and I knew I was living the life I was working so hard to get to right now, in these very moments. Although, it took so many cut-short endings to get here I’ve never been happier.

Without even knowing it I was giving myself permission to heal.

This is so many beginnings and so many new opportunities. I’m so proud of the strength and determination inside me to keep going until I ended up exactly where I want to be.

And with that, it is the end of an entire year in Florida; and the beginning of finally living my version of this adventure.

The Longest Lesson: Lesson’s of an Empowered Woman written by – Felicia Kopec