2021 Posts

One Empowered Woman Making a Comeback

The Relaunch

I’ve been sitting here for a while now, staring at this blank page wondering how I define empowerment and if that definition represents who I am. Which is hard because I’ve been going through a lot lately.

Some days I find myself laying in bed until 1pm exhausted at the idea of starting my day. Other days I am up by 6AM heading out the door to the gym. But neither of those things make me an empowered woman.

I looked up what empowerment means, and Oxford Languages defines empowerment as, the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights.

You see an empowered woman doesn’t have to be up at the crack of dawn. She doesn’t have to have everything figured out. An empowered woman is a woman on a journey and each day that journey might look a little different. She listens to her body and is in touch with her emotions. She understands that pain is a part of healing, and that it’s OK cry. She does what’s best for her each day, not what’s best for everyone else. She sometimes has her hair up in a bun, drinks too much coffee, and keeps her bed a mess. Other days she takes long hot showers, layers on her favorite lipstick, and sips on wine. On the days she feels strongest she gets up early and rocks out a workout, drinks tea, and finds herself fulfilling her passions. She might be single, in relationship, or married. She may have children or be a cool aunt. She might be settling into her life or busy planning trips away from it. But every day the woman looks like you.

I am an empowered woman, you are an empowered woman, and we are all making a comeback in our own lives each and everyday by doing whatever it is that’s right for us. Welcome to a new way of thinking. You don’t need to find yourself, date yourself, or change who you are in this moment. You are exactly where you need to be, and you are doing wonderful.

Lessons of an Empowered Woman Blog written by Felicia Kopec