• 2019 Posts

    Less is More

    We all have heard of it, been told to play it, and most of us hate it – it’s the damn dating game. Have you ever noticed the person you’re not into, that you never remember to text back, rarely give the time of day to, are the ones hitting you up non-stop, asking you out for drinks? Why is that? It’s the chase appeal, and this is how it works. We’re all intrigued by the person who seems to be a bit of a mystery. They keep us on our toes, making us crave for more. They provide us with little amounts of attention at a time, showing us…

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  • 2019 Posts

    You are Not a Second Choice

    No one cares. That’s the problem nowadays, nobody cares enough to try to make it work with just one person. Everyone is dating multiple people. Coming and going in-and-out of each other’s lives like a drive through. Not having the energy to commit to someone, but having enough energy to hook-up with them when it’s convenient.    It’s become a dating nightmare. The amount of times I have sat in my car wondering why I am not enough, is not OK. That’s when I realized, I have to be my first priority in this dating mess. I learned I don’t need anyone in my life who shows me that they…

  • 2019 Posts

    58 Thoughts I have on a First Date

    1.    This date is going to be so great. 2.    I look cuteeeeee as hell. 3.    He will be here any minute now. 4.    One quick touch up and I am ready to go. 5.    He is fashionably late. That’s fine, I need to pee anyways. 6.    I hope he looks like his dating profile picture. 7.    Hm, ten minutes ago we were supposed to leave. I will just shoot him a quick text. 8.    Let me know when you’re here! 9.    Twenty minutes late…and no reply. He is probably just stuck in traffic. 10. OK THIRTY MINUTES IS NO EXCUSE THIS DUMB FUCK IS ABOUT TO BE CALLED OU- 11. He’s here! 12.  Oh he’s so handsome, I was totally…

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  • 2019 Posts

    The Five Bar Languages

    Just like the book, The Five Love Languages there are five bar languages that need to be addressed. These five languages are Body Signals, Playing Hard to Get, A Girl’s Night Out, Saturday’s For the Boys, and Sex Hunting. These bar languages are the secret to sex that actually happens that night. Body Signals Using body signals to show how you feel towards someone is the perfect way to show you want to go home and ride them all night long, or you want them to go fuck off. Eye contact, grinding, and twirling your hair are the signs that show you’re ready to get down and dirty with this…

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  • 2019 Posts

    The Maybe Factor

    What’s worse than being ghosted? Being partially ghosted. Being partially ghosted is where you are being constantly ignored by the person you’re interested in, but not ignored long enough to be completely cut off. Let me paint the scene for you. You meet someone who seems to be just your type. You talk non-stop for a few days, and maybe even go on a date. All seems to be going really well. Then, BAM! They disappear, and you think you’re being ghosted – yet again. Several days pass by, and you start to get comfortable with the idea that this person has ghosted you. Ping. Ah, as if there is…

  • 2019 Posts

    Featured Guest – Marisol

    Bachelorette Marisol is an adventure seeker, who loves dogs. Marisol is just honestly looking for a normal guy [are there any out there?] who is willing to plan their dates. Her biggest turn off is when men, try to make plans with her late at night, with a ‘what are you doing?’ text. If you open with that, she definitely will not be doing you. If you find yourself interested in Marisol, you should romanticize her with a date outside of the norms. She would love for her man to take her to a spot that means a lot to him, and explain what the meaning behind it is. Sharing…

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  • 2019 Posts


    What Women Really Think & Talk About Well, men the time has finally come where I unveil women’s secrets. Allowing you in on a little insight. Men always say, ‘women are a mystery’ but that is about to change today. After surveying 30 women, I have all the answers you want to know about. How important is sex to women? What do women talk about with their girlfriends? What are women really looking for? Are your nudes being passed around during her wine nights? Plus, sex stories that you will not want to miss out on. Women are not made out of sugar and spice and everything nice from these…

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  • 2019 Posts


    What Men Really Think & Talk About It’s been said over and over again, ‘guys are so confusing’. Well ladies, I am here to enlighten you. After surveying 43 men I have the answers you all want to know. How important is sex to men? What do guys talk about with their buddies? What are guys really looking for? Are your nudes being passed around in the locker room? Plus, sex stories that will cause you to burst out laughing. While it’s easy to think that men are just dogs who’d hump anything, they can get their penis in, I’ve discovered, results that might shock you. Although, many men are…

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  • 2019 Posts

    Boo! I’m Ghosting You

    The fundamentals of ghosting: Begin by cutting the person off, no more texts, calls, snaps, but ensure to leave them on all forms of social media so it’s clear you’re just ignoring them. How charming of you, asshole. This is not where it ends though, ensure the moment you begin ignoring the person you were just sleeping around with, that you post a story or picture on social media. Include the opposite sex in there for safe measures. Now, get ready for the wave of phone calls and text messages – Here comes the crazy. Is it crazy though? Is it crazy to think, what the fuck just happened? I…

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