• 2021 Posts

    Moving to a New State has Taught Me More Than I Could Have Ever Imagined

    I’ve been incredibly vulnerable, honest, and true to myself. I’ve poured my heart out and have had it smashed to pieces. I’ve learned some incredibly difficult lessons. I understand the value of time spent with someone, when to hold my tongue and listen, and when to speak up if I’m uncomfortable. I’ve learned what I want out of my life, who I want to be, and what I will no longer tolerate. I’ve started therapy and learned mourning my old life is normal. I’ve grown and changed but still pieces of me remain the same.

  • 2019 Posts

    Do Yourself a Favor and Check-in on Yourself Often

    Screw trying to follow some perfect order of life that isn’t even real. Screw feeling bad because I’m single at 27, and not knowing what I want to do in my career path, and for still learning about where I want to live so I move a lot. Screw staying in relationships that aren’t right for me or holding back about still feeling sad that something good ended BECAUSE YOU KNOW WHAT THAT IS REALLY FREAKING SAD. Screw waiting for someone else to bring you flowers, buy yourself the fucking roses. Screw any negative expectation that is holding you back, because you’re exactly where you should be.

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  • 2021 Posts

    Month Three – It’s About Following Your Intuition

    Moving here has been the bravest most challenging thing I’ve done for myself. I walked into a new life not knowing the friends I would meet or the roots I would plant here but I went anyways into the unknown. A type of courage, a type of pain. There is still so much to discover and still parts of me to understand completely. Yet, I know now I’ll be just fine with whatever is thrown my way because I move intuitively.

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  • 2021 Posts

    Even Writers Lose Their Words Sometimes so Here’s Something Else

    I think sometimes we forget how lucky we are to live such easy lives. That our only concerns are feeling a bit lonely, a little lost, slightly sad but incredibly blessed. I know how beautiful life is, I capture it every way I can. I try to hold onto moments and soak in sunshine. I fall in love with poetry and books. I immerse in quiet moments but live for chaos. I believe there’s more good in the world than bad. And I hope wherever you are and whatever you’re facing you can enjoy your little moments too.

  • 2021 Posts

    This One is for You

    This is for all you – young, old, and somewhere in-between, trying to make sense of it all. It’s for those who feel everything so intensely. The ones who give their all in everything they do and everyone they meet. Who care more about the people around them than about themselves. The ones who feel insecure but always push forward. This one is for the ones who deserve love but haven’t found it. This is for all of us who are lost. Through it all, remember this one is for the ones who are rare, the ones who are a gift.

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  • 2019 Posts

    Me, Myself & I

    How to achieve alone time when in a relationship. Have you ever heard the term, date yourself? I used to do it all the time while I was single. It’s the idea that you take a day all to yourself. If you’re like me that day includes a big glass of red wine, and some very quiet alone time. It’s the day I spend thinking about myself and myself alone. Taking time to read a book I bought 3 months ago, write a blog article for the week, or just zone out and turn on Friends. But when you get into a relationship, it’s hard to find that night all…

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  • 2019 Posts

    Bachelorette Alyssa

    Bachelorette Alyssa is a dog-lover, who enjoys shot gunning Truly’s. Alyssa is just looking for someone normal (for god’s sake are there any normal guys left??) who can prove to her chivalry isn’t dead (enough with the fuckboys). Alyssa has great hair and takes interesting photos of beer. Don’t slide into her DMs (@alyssawillii) with a creepy text, but a funny meme will definitely catch her eye. If you’re lucky enough to take Alyssa on a date, ensure to avoid dairy. She would find a drunk golf game followed by Kyoto very romantic. Alyssa considers herself to be to chill as a cucumber, she’s not uptight or bossy like some…

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  • 2019 Posts


    This one is for the girls who keep their hair and heart a mess. For the girls who feel everything so deeply. Who love passionately, and break easily. This one is for the girls who put their whole hearts into everything they do, even if it means they get nothing in return. This is for the girls who often feel alone, stuck in a gray zone. Looking for closure and receiving no answers. This is for the girls who keep trying no matter how many times they get hurt. This one is for the guys who keep their music up too loud and a tough face on. For the guys…

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