• 2021 Posts

    The Gray Zone

    If I could share one insight to younger twenty-year old’s it’s don’t be in such a rush to plan out your life, because your plans are going to blow up in your face regardless of how articulately you plan them out. Be a little reckless, don’t wish away the confusing parts of your life – it’s where the magic happens. Don’t worry about the feelings you’re going to hurt, or the people you’re going to miss because life has a funny way of keeping the right people in your life and removing the others regardless of where you end up.

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  • 2019 Posts

    The Gray Zone: Where Confusion Meets Frustration

    How many times have you thought to yourself, “why is dating so hard?” We all have thought it. Hell, I started a blog off that simple question. Yet, how do we answer it – why is it so dang hard? Some argue, that it’s impossible to meet anyone organically nowadays. Dating apps where men have their height listed, and women have their ass shots posted. There’s no secret as to what you’re getting – probably catfished. We all have to be so perfect on paper that we hold our breath hoping someone likes us in person. Only to be ghosted. We forget that we’re all going to turn gray and…

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