2021 Posts

The First Step into My New Life: Saying Goodbye

I walked out of my Chicago apartment today knowing I was closing the door on what could have been.

The last few days, I’ve been lucky enough to be surrounded by so many people I love. Friendships have been toasted and hugs lasted a little longer, because I’ve officially decided to say goodbye. I am saying goodbye to so many comfort zones, places, and people – and to be honest it scares the hell out of me. Change requires a lot of acceptance. It’s accepting that I’ll no longer be able to be a part of some parties or memories. It’s knowing I won’t know all the new people my friends meet, and there will be adventures a part and birthdays missed. It’s accepting a new life and that comes sacrifices.

It’s learning to be OK with what is and what no longer can be.

Goodbyes are hard, but beginnings are beautiful.

The moment I decided to change my life is the moment I opened up my soul to myself. It was an instant reminder of how lucky and loved I am by so many amazing people. It brought me to my knees as I grieved losses I hadn’t truly been sure how to lose. It opened my heart up to new friendships. It allowed me to dive deeper into my wants and expectations. This all happened in one single decision.

Growth is an ongoing journey that I will continue to cultivate from each day. Like seasons flourishing takes time and progress is in small quiet moments. I am excited to share my adventures, losses, successes, progress, and everything in between with all of you. I’m terrified and excited all in one, but I know now more than ever I am doing the right thing.

I hope you can find the courage to go after all the things you’ve ever wanted.

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The Longest Lesson: Lesson’s of an Empowered Woman Written By Felicia Kopec