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The Longest Lesson

With every goodbye you learn. You learn who you are in the after math, and who you’ll never be again. You learn when doors close others open. You learn to be there for yourself instead of waiting for someone to show up with flowers. Goodbyes are lessons, lessons I’ve been learning time and time again. But the longest lesson I’ve finally learned is to shut the door on everything that stands in my way from what I want in my life.

You see, nobody prepares you for the moment you have to break your own heart. The times when your intuition pulls you one way and love pulls you another. No one tells you the direction to go in or lets you in on which will hurt less. So, here’s the secret from the girl who’s living it. They are both going to sting like hell, but darling trust your gut.

Walk away from every moment in your life that doesn’t bring you to your end goal. Be firm on your choices, and don’t go backwards to situations that weren’t helping you evolve. Keep reminding yourself why you even decided to move forward in the first place. Do it over and over again until you find your strength. Because you really are strong, and you really can endure. Although, goodbyes are hard with each one you learn how to decorate your own soul. Be proud of the lessons you’ve learned for they are the tears you’ve cried, and stories you’ll hold dearly in your heart. They are the reasons you are so sure you are making the right choices and are the person you are today.

The longest lesson I’ve ever learned was to finally choose myself.

The Longest Lesson: Lesson’s of an Empowered Woman Written By Felicia Kopec