2019 Posts

The Maybe Factor

What’s worse than being ghosted? Being partially ghosted.

Being partially ghosted is where you are being constantly ignored by the person you’re interested in, but not ignored long enough to be completely cut off.

Let me paint the scene for you. You meet someone who seems to be just your type. You talk non-stop for a few days, and maybe even go on a date. All seems to be going really well. Then, BAM! They disappear, and you think you’re being ghosted – yet again. Several days pass by, and you start to get comfortable with the idea that this person has ghosted you. Ping. Ah, as if there is some alert that goes off in their mind right when you begin to feel OK with that fact, and they send you a text. You know they have been ignoring your text message that you sent six days ago. Yet, you still send a reply. Let the being partially ghosted madness begin.

You’re not the douche-bag whisperer so stop responding to those texts that come in days a part. Honey, I hate to be the one to say it but that person is just not that into you. You say, they’re just busy. I say, they’re just an ass.

This isn’t some magic show, you need to stop being amazed when they suddenly respond again. You are being used as a revolving door they keep walking in and out of. People who are interested in being with you, make time. Everyone else is just wasting time. However, you keep holding onto this idea that maybe things will change. This is the maybe factor.

Even a ‘fuck you’ would be better than being ignored. As you sit around wondering why the person you really like hasn’t replied. Yet, you decide to make excuse after excuse for them.

Reality check, people’s actions replace every single word they say. Stop checking your phone every 3 minutes to see if they have responded yet. Stop spending Saturday nights in. Leave that person on read, next time they decide to “check-in” with you, make other plans and remember you deserve more than a maybe.

Now, I am not saying you have to respond or get a response every moment of the day. People are busy. It’s normal for a few hours to go by and not hear from them. I am not calling out those individuals. It’s the whole day to several days of ignorance that is inexcusable. Especially when they were very responsive in the beginning.

I am not a dating expert, but one thing I do know, because I am a douche-bag dating veteran, is that if you are being ignored for that long, they are not interested in you and nothing will change that. You are someone they are keeping around for their convenience. Let that person go. Stop the double texts, stop replying 13 seconds after they have not replied in 13 days. Go buy yourself a double Vodka soda and become too busy to ever reply again.

You never needed that person anyways. Now, go prove that to yourself.

Lesson Learned: Your time is precious, don’t let anyone waste it.