
The Single Side of Things.

Dating is an art that I have no where near mastered.

A first-date-story to paint a picture of my dry spell. I had just graduated college. Still optimistic about the men in the real world. Shiny, and giddy about all my new wonderful opportunities ahead. We kept it low-key, and went to Starbucks. He sat down and decided to start talking about his days of living in California. We were off to a fine start. Somehow, he ended up telling me about all the strip clubs he went to, and how he was a con artist to women. Bragging about his masculinity and dominating sex appeal. I sat there, without saying a word. Why would I do that? Because I kept thinking there was going to be a lesson learned in the end of this story he was telling me. Yet, somehow it only got worse. He ended with learning over and whispering in my ear, “next time, let’s go somewhere less crowded. I can’t Bill Cosby you here”. Ladies, if a man ever has the guts to speak to you like this, throw your burning hot, venti chi-tea latte in his face.

If you want to hear about such awful dating situations that cause you to delete all of your dating apps, stop replying to all men’s messages, and hide under your blanket for days – Then you’ve come to the right place. This is a series-of-unfortunate-events about the classy men I go on dates with.

Welcome to my blog. Let’s go learn some lessons.

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