2022 Posts

22 Tips To Have a More Satisfied Life

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I’ve never been more satisfied in my life than I am today. It’s an amazing feeling to be able to write that and to mean that.

I’ve devoted the last two years building a life that I’m proud of. I’ve spent so much time and energy investing in myself, letting go of what’s not right for me – even when it’s hard, and improving on relationships with positive people around me. In these last two years, I’ve learned a lot, and here’s the advice I’d give myself if I could go back in time before my whole journey began. Here’s what I’d say:

  1. Listen to your intuition. It’s always going to be right even if you wish it wasn’t.
  2. If you have any hesitation about staying, leave. You won’t hesitate if you’re with the right people, or in the right place.
  3. You won’t always get the closure you want. Move on.
  4. Stop waiting for others to make choices for you. Do it yourself.
  5. Being single at your age isn’t a bad thing. We all have our own stories, our own timing, and our own journeys to take.
  6. Talent will only take you so far. Work for what you want.
  7. Being alone will feel lonely, but it will also feel empowering.
  8. Believe in yourself, seriously look in the mirror, and manifest the things you want and believe you will achieve them. Manifesting has completely changed my life.
  9. Don’t be afraid to hurt people’s feelings if it’s going to save you in the long run. No means no and being rude isn’t the worst thing you can be.
  10. Stop comparing yourself to others. You are enough.
  11. Being comfortable isn’t always a good thing when we’re uncomfortable we grow.
  12. Not everyone has to like you and that’s OK.
  13. Be kind. Treat people the way you want to be treated in return. The world is hard enough.
  14. Don’t settle, no matter how many people call you “picky” or “high maintenance” or don’t believe in you. Trust the process.
  15. Think bigger. Much, much bigger.
  16. Stop fixing things you don’t want to have. Allow yourself to move forward.
  17. The easy days don’t mean anything. It’s what you do at your lowest that counts.
  18. You will outgrow people and that’s OK.
  19. There’s a difference between people who are good and people who are good in front of you. Learn the difference.
  20. Stop stressing over things you cannot control. There’s nothing you can do about it.
  21. Don’t wait. You deserve the life you want so start working on it today.
  22. Have faith. God will bless you in return.

The Longest Lesson: Lesson’s of an Empowered Woman is written by – Felicia Kopec