2021 Posts

Twelve Ways I Changed My Mindset

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I got tired of waking up and going straight to the mirror and immediately lifting up my shirt to see how flat my stomach looked that morning. I was tired of my clothes feeling snug across my thighs or crying because I couldn’t stop comparing myself to women on Instagram. I constantly felt lost and aggravated that my life felt like it was at a stand-still and I didn’t know what forward looked like.

I found forward. Forward for me is all about changing the way I treat my mind, body, and spirit.

Here are twelve simple ways I changed my mindset and life. I hope you find some of these items to be as helpful, empowering, and rewarding as I do.

1. Workout 5x a week. Yes, even on the days you’re sore or tired or not motivated. Sweating and moving your body is so empowering.

2. Eat clean 80% of the time. This means no alcohol or bad food Sunday evening through Friday afternoon. Relax during your weekend and enjoy but try to discipline yourself to fuel your body with healthy nutrients.

3. Pray/mediate daily. I know not everyone is religious but connecting with a higher power and reflection is so important to remember how fortunate we all are.

4. Be intentional about everything. If you’re meeting with your friend for lunch put your phone away – engage. If you’re on your way to the gym speak out loud why you’re moving your body today. If you need downtime alone unplug, relax.

5. Read. The world is full of books with so much knowledge – never stop learning.

6. Drink water. Seriously do it right now; your body with thank you.

7. Be kind, always. Even when the world isn’t being kind to you. It’s not about an eye for an eye, it’s about leaving a ripple effect.  When you’re genuinely kind to someone, so kind that it makes them feel special in your presence, that leaves a ripple effect and ripple effects live on forever. Leave an endless ripple effect of kindness in your wake for others to continuously pass on forever.  

8. Write down your goals. This leads back to being intentional. Focus on your future and how you’re going to succeed in getting there.

9. Do something that makes you happy weekly. Connect with your creative side, your musical side, dance, play, indulge in your thing that brings you pure joy.

10. Clean your place really well once a week. A clean home brings a lot of peace and focus to you. Surroundings can be very distracting.

11. Connect with the Earth. Take a walk outside, soak up sunshine, let the rain kiss your skin. The Earths energy will fuel you.

12. Rest. You need it to do everything above well.

There’s power in the way you think. Change your mindset, change your life through healthy habits.

The Longest Lesson: Lesson’s of an Empowered Woman written by Felicia Kopec