2019 Posts

You are Not a Second Choice

No one cares. That’s the problem nowadays, nobody cares enough to try to make it work with just one person. Everyone is dating multiple people. Coming and going in-and-out of each other’s lives like a drive through. Not having the energy to commit to someone, but having enough energy to hook-up with them when it’s convenient.   

It’s become a dating nightmare.

The amount of times I have sat in my car wondering why I am not enough, is not OK. That’s when I realized, I have to be my first priority in this dating mess. I learned I don’t need anyone in my life who shows me that they don’t need me in theirs.

As an expert of running after people who are not worth my time, I can confidently explain to you that you also don’t need anyone in your life who isn’t worth your time or energy. You are a strong, independent, probably lonely, amazing person! Go you! Here are 25 reasons why you absolutely don’t need anyone who doesn’t need you.

1.    You are not a second choice.

2.    You deserve to be with someone who chooses you the first time.

3.    You don’t have time to waste.

4.    It’s OK to be on your own.

5.    You should never allow someone to be in your life who doesn’t see your value.

6.    You don’t want to be in an unhealthy relationship.

7.    You know what you deserve.

8.    ….and that’s the best.

9.    Love yourself enough to see what isn’t fulfilling you.

10.  You are good enough.

11.  You shouldn’t have to put up with any bullshit.

12.  …You don’t need it or deserve it.

13.  That person is a jerk for treating you badly.

14.  Trust yourself.

15.  Love will come your way when it is supposed to.

16.  You’re not alone.

17.  You can always get a cat.

18.  …or several cats.

19.  Your feelings matter.

20.  You didn’t need that person before, and you don’t need them now.

21.  Set the bar for how others treat you.

22.  …and never lower it for anyone.

23.  Don’t put up with their bad excuses.

24.  Let go of that person.

25.  Because someone great is out their waiting for you to find them.

Lesson Learned: Remember your worth.


  • Karl Rivers

    Thank you for posting this one. I needed it. I’ve been having a hard time meeting people and beating myself up over it. If you still need someone to interview for your male profile I would be honored to talk to you.

  • KM

    Always love yourself and know your worth. Its a hard learned lesson but once learned with time it becomes your lifestyle and inherently one of the most attractive parts of your being.