2021 Posts

You Don’t Owe Anyone Your Peace

You don’t owe anyone your peace.

However, you do owe it to yourself the opportunity to follow your intuitions, to start over, to try again. You owe it to yourself to go find your happiness no matter what it costs you. Your peace is too important to sit back and dwell on all the things that didn’t work out. So, pick yourself up, and move forward. I know the unknown and uncertainty are painful to face, I know it’s scary but do it anyways. You will probably lose people on the path of discovering yourself. You will lose friends, support, followers, lovers, maybe even family members. You’re going to lose your comfort zone, your sense of direction. Your new life is going to cost you your old one. Keep going, you’re making room to gain the proper encouragement you’ve always deserved. You’re making room for love you’ve never had before, friends who would never give up on you, a life bigger than you can imagine. People who are meant to be on the other side will be. Your old comfort zone will feel small in compared to where you end up, and all the new opportunities your new one brings will never allow you to limit yourself again. You will grow so loudly and beautifully it’ll feel strange you ever feared going after this new life in the first place.

Let this be your sign to take that leap of faith.

We all come to crosswords in our lives. Choose the harder path, the one that will challenge you, grow you. The one that you know will change you forever. That’s the path that’s worth it. The one that your younger self expects you to take, and your older self will be glad you had the bravery to follow. Start now, with trembling hands, a broken heart, a shaky voice, start with what you have, but start.

If nobody has told you yet let me be the first to say,

I believe in you.

Everything is going to be OK.

It will work out the way it’s supposed to.

You are worth it.

Your peace is worth every single tear you shed, moment of doubt, and struggle you face. I promise.

Lessons of an Empowered Woman Blog written by Felicia Kopec